Project Divided is working to bring people of different political views and backgrounds to the table to have difficult conversations about politics.
Project Divided is working to bring people of different political views and backgrounds to the table to have difficult conversations about politics.
Project Divided is an initiative working to understand political division and facilitate conversations between problem solvers in our communities. Our work is a Gen-Z approach to politics. With all of the daunting issues on the horizon that we are tasked with solving, our generation is refusing to accept the status quo, and is pushing past political labels, to take action and innovate. Project Divided is all about understanding how we can work together to problem solve from the local level up. And we believe the best way to start this is to bring lots of different perspectives and backgrounds together to first start the conversation and foster communication and understanding.
Project Divided is a start-up initiative that works toward understanding the ways our communities are divided and how we can come together to solve some of the most pressing issues of our day. Click below to learn about the projects we’ve launched.
We believe that now, more than ever, that we need to lean into difficult conversations, and build strong communities. With the many complex and challenging problems that lie ahead, opening dialogue and communication between Americans of different viewpoints and backgrounds is a crucial first step.
After college graduation we took an unconventional route by driving our Honda Fit from our homes on the East Coast, to a 4,000 person town in Central Texas called Smithville to launch Project Divided. We spent seven months bringing people from across the political spectrum together to have important conversations. Click below to learn about the goals for our project.
Click here to learn why we spent 6 months in Smithville, TX filming conversations between citizens like you & me.
Click here to read Casey & Marley’s research with UT Austin’s Center for Media Engagement.
Learn about how we work to build strong communities.
We think youth are the answer to the daunting issues we are facing. More coming soon!
About Us
We’re Casey Moore and Marley Duchovnay. We are not political scientists, pollsters, or politicians. And that is precisely why we feel the need to get involved in this work.
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News and Notes
Content we find interesting that might end up expanding or changing your own point of view…